Acupuncture Immune System Discovery
Acupuncture actually stimulates the immune system and can prevent you from getting sick. As our country confronts the health crisis of COVID-19, also known as SARS-CoV-2, it is more important than ever that we take care of ourselves and each other. There is a lot we can do to prevent and/or recover from the virus,…
Nutrients to Consider during COVID-19
There is only one wellness topic on everyone’s mind right now, COVID-19/Coronavirus. See what research our Licensed Acupuncturist Andrea Tess Yamada, LAc found. Nutrients to Consider Antioxidants (lipoic acid, ferulic acid and sulporaphane) – Have the potential for boosting the type 1 interferon response to RNA viruses (including influenza and coronavirus). Even better, there is…
Work from Home “Like a Boss”
How do you succeed in your office job when there is no “office”? There’s no easy answer. However, The New York Times did put together a great list that can help both employees and company leaders work from home like a champ during the COVID-19 pandemic.
REMEMBER: Humans Aren’t Meant to Do Anything for 8 Hours Straight
Seven Series Joint Release from Integrative Health, Inc. on Vimeo. Whether it’s working at a desk or riding a bike, we are not meant to engage in the same movement or sit in the same posture for 8 hours at a time. Because 8 hours is the average length of a workday, this is important…
Are You Maintaining a Healthy Posture at Work?
If the answer is “heck no,” then please consider this a sign that it’s time to take a deeper look at your workspace and desk setup. What starts as a simple misalignment of your joints can develop into inflammation, which in turn results in pain — arthritic problems — and, eventually — more significant physical…
How Massage Positively Impacts Your Immune System
“Massage Therapy strengthens the immune system by increasing the body’s natural killer cells. It aids in the fight against bacteria and infection and naturally enhances the body’s ability to get nourishment to important areas.” Sally Pattison: Naturopath, Nutritionist and Natural Therapist There is a direct link between massage and your immunity, and we think it’s…
Embrace Proactivity
You — and only you — are the one who decides to live a wellness-oriented life. At Integrative Health, it’s our goal to support you in doing exactly that. We can give you the tools, help educate you, provide excellent service and encourage you to step forward in your wellness journey; however, it is up…